Warning, movie spoilers ahead!

Guilty! I do delight in a good pop-culture ship, and this pair was basically asking for it, especially after that awkward yet delightful couch-crowding scene.
Sing it with me: "John and Zero, sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G (each other)!" All fangirling aside, I definitely enjoyed this movie as a long awaited follow up to the previous two John Wick films. It was terribly violent of course, and predictably outlandish, but how else should the premise of a secret assassin society be framed? It wouldn't do well with the Disney treatment I suspect, even though I would honestly love to see that.
Important to note is that no, I am not a great fan of guns, and yes, I do endorse a responsible gun law, but do I also enjoy watching an entirely fictional Keanu-Reeves-looking assassin stumble about shooting a lot of highly trained killers (not to mention ending a few with horses)?
Why yes - yes I do. NOTE: "John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum" is rated MA15+ in Australia, so if any parent happens to be seeing this cartoon, please don't mistakenly assume that I recommend you take your kiddos to it!
Seriously, DON'T DO THAT! Get a babysitter and go yourself though, because it's a lot of fun if you're into that sort of thing.